Okay so I didn't actually eat out for this one but it was an experience so hell i writin bout it anyway!!!!! I am officially a stew person... beef stew, lamb stew and now lentil stew!! and for allyuh trinis i don't mean stew meat (aka burn sugar). I had the bestest bestest lentil stew ever the other day and i'm not saying that cuz i made it because i've made lenti stew before this one just tasted real great. I think it had something to do with the fact that i froze it with the rosemary and then slowly defrosted on the stove making the idea conditions to draw ever last ounce of flavour from the herbs. It was (in the words of Mos Def) nutritious and delicious. Yummy sausage, caramelized onions, soft potatoes and carrots ohhhhhhhh fresh mushrooms all happily playing in harmony!!!!!! STEW !!! And for the love of the Almighty... butter is your friend! To ass wit all the health nuts out there everything in moderation a little butter never hurt nobody and if it did i assure you they were done for anyway! Butter adds tonnes of flavour to this and almost any other dish that it is added to.
Now yuh can't get cheaper than lentils in this day and age of rising food prices and this is a fairly simple dish, extremely healthy (protein out the ying-yang) and did i mention it tastes the bomb!!! (yes i said the bomb). Probably the most expensive part of my lunch was the bread but HA! i made that too!!! Really crusty home made bread is the only way to go for this meal cuz Lord knows as soon as dew starts to form Kiss bread turns to pap far less if you try to dip it in stew. And save electricity cuz toastin it is a waste of time. Anywho if you dare...try almost any recipe with the aforementioned ingredients and you're almost certain to have a hit on your hands or for the lazy jus call meh! (disclaimer that pic is off the net not an actual representation of my stew but close though)
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